If you are an individual working & living abroad, filing your taxes may be more complicated than you think. No matter whether you are located, you are required to pay taxes on earned income to the Internal Revenue Service. Instead of struggling with tax planning & filing or understanding the reporting and compliance requirements, consider hiring an experienced Tampa international tax accountant. The role of tax accountants is often undermined, but for those working in the US, and citizens working in other countries, their services are extremely relevant.
Knowing the requirements
US citizens who are working abroad, including those deployed in the military, are required to pay taxes to the IRS. This is not a choice. However, many people are unaware of these requirements, or don’t know much as how to deal with the paperwork and filing within the deadline. That’s precisely where international tax accountants can help. Filing from another country doesn’t have to be complicated, and you can expect to avoid all the unwanted mistakes in tax filing, which can otherwise have consequences. People with green cards and visas are also required to pay taxes, but the requirements can be different. They are expected to declare all details including foreign bank accounts. With a tax accountant, you just need to furnish the information, and they will take care of the rest.
Know the forms
If you want help with forms, such as FinCEN form 114, you can expect your tax accountant to explain all of that. They will also guide on the paperwork, so that any further hassles or complications with the IRS can be avoided.
Getting help for international tax filing is important, and we recommend that you select a service that you can trust. Find one that works for both individuals and businesses and ask for a consultation session to know their work better.